Hell Drivers Perform at Durham Fairgrounds,
–Witness Suicidal, hair raising happenings as automobiles roll end over end, fly into head on collisions, and nose dive into parked cars.
No, it isn’t Durham’s main intersection at rush hour; The Trans Canada Hell Drivers are coming to town, displaying their dare-devil driving at Durham Fairgrounds.
Protected by no more than a seatbelt and a crash helmet, the stuntmen will drive gleaming 1970 model cars through many intricate manoeuvres over and between rampways, some on two wheels and some sailing through mid-air.
The climax of the program will be a series of crash stunts in which the drivers will demolish a number of older model cars. The drivers go through such tricks as crashing the cars at break-neck speeds and soaring through space off high rampways.
The personnel of the Hell Drivers motion picture stuntmen, race track dare-devils, and automotive test drivers, all skilled in precision driving at excessively high speeds.
Performances by the Trans Canada Hell Drivers are seen at many of the big fairs and race tracks across Canada and the United States. The Producers promise that this years edition of the show tops any “Thrill Show” seen before.
The Hell Drivers, sponsored by the Durham Jaycees, are scheduled to be off and running at Durham Fairgrounds on Thursday June 11th at 7:30pm.
Copied from the May 28th, 1970 Durham Chronicle – Courtesy of Don Hill.