Danny Knoll Sr. at Cayuga Speedway 1969. Note the square tubing roll cage and the centre seat location.
Courtesy of Mike Lindsay

Don Biederman and Walt Zavitz going over the wall at Cayuga . Zavitz drove back around and they let him back in the pit gate.
Courtesy of Wheelspin News

Jr Hanley #84 with his Chevelle at Cayuga Speedway 1972.
Ken Silk and Don Biederman in the right of the photo.
Tex Swiston photo.

71 John Cadman, #6 Danny Knoll, #77 Bill Sabadoz, #3 Wayne Gummerson, #43 Don Biederman and #1 Joe Plazek. – Bob Hunter Photo
Courtesy of Judy & Steve Livingstone

Donnie Hawn gets up into the wall backwards at Cayuga Speedway. Bob Hunter Photo
Courtesy of Judy & Steve Livingsyone

43 Don Biederman on the inside of #13 Randy Slack at Cayuga Speedway. Bert Sabourin Photo
Courtesy of Judy & Steve Livingstone

71 John Cadman, #51 Dennis Vogel, #82 Wayne Keeling, #12 Fred Cade & #6 Danny Knoll at Cayuga Speedway. Bob Hunter Photo
Courtesy of Judy & Steve Livingstone

97 Doug Garner and #6 John Fletcher at Cayuga Speedway. Bert Sabourin Photo
Courtesy of Judy & Steve Livingstone

13 Randy Slack, #12 Fred Cade and #84 Kim Wallace at Cayuga Speedway. Bert Sabourin Photo