Dizzy Dean Murray present Walter Pennock with the winners trophy on International night at Kingston 1970.
Courtesy of Wheelspin News

It was 1971 that Phil “Lumberjack” Hanmore sailed off Kingstons second turn coming to rest 100 yards from the track.
Courtesy of Wheelspin News

Tony Blake accepts the Woody Van Order trophy. Presented by Randy Van Order, Woody’s Son.
Photo by Bob Johnston
Bob Shannon got a little higher than intended going through turn four at Kingston.
Bob Johnston Photo

Kingston Speedways promoter Bub Gibson right awards Carlings 1969 Championship trophy to Tony Blake.
Courtesy of Wheelspin News
Woody Van Order 1955, 57, 58, 59 and 61 Kingston Speedway Track Champion
Courtesy of The Hegarty Brothers

ony Blake 1956, 60, 63, 64, 69 and 70 Kingston Speedway Track Champion
Courtesy of The Hegarty Brothers